Bad Sleep May Cause Weight Gain

Sleep deprivation can prevent weight loss or complicate weight loss. Researchers at the University of Chicago in 2004 found that "partial sleep deprivation changes the circulating levels of the hormones that regulate hunger, causing an increase in appetite and a preference for high - carbohydrate, calorie-dense foods."

A lot of people eat many carbohydrates due to heightened appetite. And this increased carbohydrate consumption, coupled with a lack of enough hours of sleep each night, can cause a person to crave even more carbohydrates. According to a highly respected neurologist, not hitting the deep sleep cycle or experiencing enough of the deep sleep cycle can trigger yet more carbohydrate cravings. And due to excessive stress, this phenomenon will result in an unpleasant and unhealthy amount of weight gain. If you are looking for a solution, please read the Resurge Reviews. They have comprehensive information on the subject.

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Often too much stress can be causing sleep deprivation. And, ironically, stress can cause less sleep, and less sleep can lessen the ability of a person to cope with stress. Both stress and deprivation of sleep often lead to weight gain, most often fat accumulation in the midsection or belly region. And fat gain in the abdominal area is often a risk of heart disease.

Research studies by the Van Cauter Laboratory include "studies describing the metabolic and hormonal effects of chronic partial sleep loss," including a 1999 study showing that a substantial sleep debt could cause metabolic and endocrine changes that imitate many of the characteristics of aging.

Human existence has many obstacles that can prevent a person from having a high priority over adequate hours of sleep. Many studies remind us of the importance of sleeping on a regular schedule and adhering to about 8 hours of sleep each night to keep us healthy, bright, feeling, and thinking well-rested and alert.

An individual who doesn't get enough sleep may not even realize they don't have enough hours of sleep, or they don't hit the deep sleep cycle that's needed for memory function and other health benefits. Researchers have long known that deep sleep consolidates memories and can sharpen and explain a thought. If you don't get proper sleep, you might want to check out Resurge Reviews and to think about making sleep a high priority in your life.